food ] home cooking
“ T h e s e t r ie d - a n d - t r u e c a k e r e c ip e s a n d e a s y f r o s t in g s
a re t h e o n ly o n e s y o u ’l l e v e r n e e d — t h e y ’re t h a t g o o d .”
— N a n c y H o p k in s , D e p u t y F o o d E d it o r
C l a s s i c V a n i l l a C a k e
p r e
25 m in.
30 m in.
ta nd
30 m in.
10 m in.
o v e n
cups all-purpose flour
tsp. baking powder
tsp. baking soda
cup butter, softened
cups sugar
tsp. vanilla
cups buttermilk
recipe Vanilla Sour Cream Frosting or
Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting,
1 4 8
1. Separate eggs. Allow egg whites to stand at room
temperature for 30 minutes (reserve yolks for another
use). Meanwhile, grease three 8x1 Vi-inch round cake
pans. Line bottoms of pans with parchment paper.
Grease parchment paper and lightly flour pans; set
aside. In medium bowl stir together flour, baking
powder, baking soda, and 3
/> teaspoon salt; set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 350°F. In large mixing bowl
beat butter with electric mixer on medium to high
for 30 seconds. Add sugar and vanilla; beat until
well combined. Add egg whites all at once; beat
on medium-high 3 minutes. Alternately add flour
mixture and buttermilk to butter mixture, beating
on low after each addition just until combined
(batter may look slightly curdled). Divide batter
among prepared pans. (If you do not have three pans,
refrigerate remaining batter until ready to use.)
3. Bake in preheated oven 30 to 35 minutes or until
a wooden toothpick inserted near centers comes out
clean. Cool cakes in pans on wire racks 10 minutes.
Remove layers from pans. Cool thoroughly on racks.
4. Frost with desired frosting. Store, covered, in
refrigerator. Makes 16 servings.
e a c h
s e r v in g
ith frosting) 641 ca
l, 20gfat, 52
mgchol, 378 mg sodium
, 113 gcarb, 1
g fiber, 5 gpro.
D o u b l e
C h o c o l a t e
C a k e
p r e f
30 m in.
b a k
30 m in.
ta nd
30 m in.
10 m in.
o v e n
cups all-purpose flour
cup unsweetened cocoa powder
tsp. baking soda
tsp. baking powder
cup butter, softened
cups sugar
tsp. vanilla
cups milk
oz. dark or bittersweet chocolate, grated
recipe Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting or
Vanilla Sour Cream Frosting,
1 4 8
1. Allow eggs to stand at room temperature 30
minutes. Meanwhile, grease three 8x1 Vi-inch round
cake pans. Line bottoms of pans with parchment
paper. Grease parchment paper and lightly flour pans;
set aside. In medium bowl stir together flour, cocoa
powder, baking soda, baking powder, and Vi teaspoon
salt; set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 350°F. In large mixing bowl beat
butter with electric mixer on medium to high for
30 seconds. Gradually add sugar,
cup at a time,
beating on medium until well combined. Scrape
sides of bowl; beat 2 minutes more. Add eggs one at
a time, beating after each addition. Beat in vanilla.
Alternately add flour mixture and milk to butter
mixture, beating on low after each addition just
until combined. Beat on medium to high 20 seconds
more. Stir in grated chocolate. Divide batter among
prepared pans. (If you do not have three pans,
refrigerate remaining batter until ready to use.)
3. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until a wooden toothpick
inserted near centers comes out clean. Cool cakes in
pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove layers from
pans. Cool thoroughly on wire racks.
4. Frost with desired frosting. Store, covered, in
refrigerator. Makes 16 servings.
e a c h s e r v i n g
ith frosting) 605 ca
l, 26 gfat,
92 mgchol, 334 mg sodium
, 92 gcarb, 4 gfiber, 7 gpro.
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